Friday 27 March 2020

Be Faithful with What You Have 

Our ministry is way more about our attitude and character than it is about our talent. If you are in any kind of creative or technical ministry, you probably are well aware of the skills you bring to the table. But what we sometimes miss is that the ministry isn't about our gifts! It all boils down to the heart we have for people. Our main task is to help people get closer to God. We sometimes might feel that a task we have been asked to do will not fulfill our talent, but it doesn't matter. All we have to do is help one another get closer to God.

When we look for someone to be on a team, we always look for two things - character and potential. You might not have all the skills yet, but if you are eager to learn and have an exceptional attitude, that's everything that matters when you start. Yet on the other hand, if someone has great talent and decides what they want to do, ignoring the need, there isn't much space for effective ministry. 

You might feel like you only have a little bit of skill when you start, but it doesn't matter - be faithful with what you have.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Understand your gifts

Understand Your Gift 

In the world of so many skills and talents we might easily underestimate what God entrusted us with. So often when we look at our lives, everything seems so mundane. We are so used to who we are and what our lives are like that we might miss God's goal for our lives.

We might be surprised by the wonderful purpose we have been created for. In Romans, Paul clearly states that who God is can be understood from His creation. The very word Paul uses for God's creation in that verse is only used in one other place in the Bible.

In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul says that we are God's handiwork or workmanship. And this is the exact word Paul uses when he first said that God's invisible qualities could be understood from His workmanship. 

This is about all of God's qualities, which He wants you to be an expression of, as each of us is in ministry. The greatest ministry God prepared for us is to show people who He is. And it doesn't really matter if you feel that what you do doesn't feel like a ministry. You might work in tech or arts. You might be an educator or work with productions in your church. Think about it: everything you do and most importantly who you are can show others what God is like so that they have no excuse to admit they never knew.

 Make a list of everything you think you are good at and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how each of those unique skills can help people know God. 

Understanding the Spiritual Realm Part 1

Understanding the Spiritual Realm Part 1:  Understanding the Spiritual Realm Part 1:  1st Chapter Part 1 of Chapter 1 discusses the importan...