Wednesday 29 April 2020

What Is Wisdom?

What Is Wisdom? 

  wisdom is “knowledge that is gained by having many
experiences in life; the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand; and knowledge of what is proper or reasonable or good sense or judgment” speaks of wisdom as an “insight”.
Wisdom Is More than Knowledge
wisdom is more than knowledge. Wisdom is insights. And this would like
to distinguish wisdom from knowledge as insights and when an individual has “many
experiences in life; (he or she has) the natural ability to understand things that most other people
cannot understand” and what more, knowledge is just or mere
“information, (and) understanding” In short, wisdom “is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to (one’s) life. It’s the ability to apply that knowledge to the greater scheme of life . Wisdom is also deep; knowing the meaning or reason, about knowing why something is, and what it means to one’s life. To talk further on wisdom, it is also said that “many modern authorities on government, religion
and philosophical ethics say that wisdom connotes an ‘enlightened perspective’. This perspective is often defined in a utilitarian way, as effective support for the long-term common good. Insights and acts that many people agree are wise tend to:
1.arise from a viewpoint compatible with many ethical systems.
2.serve life, public goods or other impersonal values, not narrow self-interest. grounded in but not limited by past experience or history and yet anticipate future likely consequences. informed by multiple forms of intelligence – reason, intuition, heart, spirit, etc.”
5. be “without hypocrisy”, “pure” and “peaceable” – quiet, reconciling, gentle and calm in a wise person (James 3: 17). “full of good fruits”, “nourishing and attractive, producing good results” James 3: 17 enlightened, wisdom gives us the aha-aha feeling/ effect and insight. of good mind, and being of good mind generally leads to being of good body [what is good for the mind is also good for the body; one wise rhyme, for example this author remembers well since young is “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.”and overall nourishes or invigorates one’s spirit. Incidentally, there is an Old Russian saying that goes like this, “In healthy body resides a healthy spirit.” And in the Christian faith, it is said that all of us need a physical body to become like the Heavenly Father; human bodies are so important that they are called temples of God (1 Corinthians 3: 16-17; 6: 19-20). supported or backed up by some greater invisible force. Wisdom can be and is, in fact, considered to be the highest form of knowledge.

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