Wednesday 12 August 2020


TrialsThe truth is that life throws a lot of curves at us that can break us. But, like broken bones that heal stronger than before and scar tissue that is stronger than skin, God can bring strength out of brokenness.

The disciples in their writings and Jesus Himself told us that we were to expect trials. In fact, James, in his letter, writes that he knew all about trials. He calls himself a bondservant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. A bondservant was one who voluntarily served another – a voluntary slave to another. In this case, James is a voluntary slave of God and Jesus. This was no small thing because in the early church the persecution of those following Jesus was severe. To state publicly that you were a slave of Jesus meant that you had a target on your back and that persecution would soon follow.

James’ audience are Jewish believers who were persecuted for their faith and had relocated to escape. James calls them brothers, a term of their bond in Christ, and a term that expresses the closeness that only comes through facing trials together. 
“Trials are not optional; they are inevitable. Trials are a normal part of God’s process of bringing us to glory.” Jesus told us that we would experience trials and the Apostle Peter calls them “fiery trials.” The reality is that all of the disciples went through trials as did Jesus, and so will we. The question is not if we will experience trials, the question is how will we respond to them? 

Read for reference
James chapter 1 :1-27
1 Peter 4:12

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