Wednesday 12 August 2020

The Result of Trials

We know we are going to experience trials and we have seen, James tell us, to count it joy when we do. When we respond with joy what will be the result? Again, James does not leave us without an answer… and what an answer it is! 

The trial will put our faith to the test. The little Greek word for test has the idea of purifying or refining and this refining will result in patience. This word literally means to “remain under.” The truth here is that when we are in trials we develop the ability to remain under – to have patience. But what is it that we remain under? God’s protection and God’s instruction. We need His protection while we are under the trial and He promises never to leave us nor forsake us. We also need His instruction to help us know Him in a most unique way – while under a trial. God wants us to fully experience all that we need, and remaining under Him during a trial is the best way to gain that knowledge.

James goes on to say that this patience will result in a perfect work. The word perfect here can also be translated complete or mature. This remaining under results in the maturing of our faith, the completing of our faith. James describes our lives lived through these trials as perfect and complete, lacking nothing. Through trials our faith is matured – it grows up – and we see that we are blessed with everything God has provided for us to live full rich lives in Christ. We can reap the full benefits of what our loving Father wants us to have. 

Paul tells us that the treasure of God’s power is housed in our cracked ordinary clay pots. He uses these words to describe us: we are not crushed, not in despair, not forsaken, and not destroyed. In fact, we are described as strengthened for battle and victorious. We are ones whose lives reflect the life of Jesus because we have been through these trials. 

Trials… expect them, respond to them with joy, and know that you are made strong and that you will experience Him more deeply because of the trials in your life. Amen

Read for reference
James 1:3-4
Hebrews 11:34
2 Corinthians 4:7-10
2 Corinthians 12:9

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